While our primary purpose is cleaning and preserving how the factory shipped a collector car, sometimes, time has not been kind to our clients. We have lots of tricks to make the bottom of a treasured part of your family look great and sometimes that involves painting certain surfaces.
On this 1969 International Scout, we dry ice cleaned the entire undercarriage, painted axles and undercoated the frame and body to help it last another 50 years. Unfortunately the oil pan on the bottom of the engine was an eyesore. That gives us the opportunity to turn a negative into a positive.
Using some simple masking and the exact right color paint (Farm implement red) we added what we'd like to call the cherry on the bottom. A freshly painted red oil pan, just like would have come from the factory is the right finishing touch to this preserved classic. This is a patina car and the right spray here just gives it that finishing touch.
If you have a project that is too intimidating or you just don't know the right direction to proceed, give us a call and let us help you take the next step to preserve and protect your treasured collector car!